WallPapa is a simple-to-use, friendly and reliable tool that will change the desktop wallpaper automatically on start up or at a time interval.
Main features:
- Change the wallpaper automatically on start up or at time interval.
- Change the wallpaper manually.
- Support various types of pictures: BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF.
- Five wallpaper style: CENTER, TILE, STRETCH, SCALE, COVER.
- Wallpapers are chosen from folders of your choice.
- Wallpaper list can be shuffled.
- Include/Exclude pictures in subfolders.
- Find pictures in wallpaper list.
- Separate settings for each user.
- Small pictures can be tiled instead of selected wallpaper style
System Requirements:
- Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7
- 2.5 MB of free disk pace
- 800x600 or higher screen resolution